
19th Jul 2017 Comments Off on Misdiagnosis:

This is an article that emphasizes autopsies as an useful tool to correct cause of death or to uncover unsuspected […]

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TBI and dementia: Link or no link?

TBI and dementia: Link or no link?

19th Jul 2017 Comments Off on TBI and dementia: Link or no link?

Most degenerative diseases of the central nervous system are confirmed with extensive studies after the patient dies. Except for rare […]

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First reported autopsy of patient with MERS coronavirus infection provides critical insights

First reported autopsy of patient with MERS coronavirus infection provides critical insights

26th Jun 2017 Comments Off on First reported autopsy of patient with MERS coronavirus infection provides critical insights

This article reports that three years after first being diagnosed an infection disease known as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) […]

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How to have a better death

How to have a better death

16th Jun 2017 Comments Off on How to have a better death

I read the above article with interest and I agree with most of your assessments on the efforts and futility […]

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Private Autopsies and natural deaths

Private Autopsies and natural deaths

22nd May 2017 Comments Off on Private Autopsies and natural deaths
An open forum to study, discuss, give ideas, opinions, and in general evaluate the role of private autopsies in the [...] Read more ›

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